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A Minecraft day lasts 20 minutes, equivalent to 24 hours in real-time. In Minecraft, time passes much faster than in the real world. Within 20 minutes, players experience a full day and night cycle filled with various activities and challenges. Whether it's mining for resources, building structures, or taming farm animals, there is always something to do in the ever-changing world of Minecraft.

Ah, the humble dye. It transforms bland blocks and bleary mobs into vibrant explosions of color, breathing life into your Minecraft builds. But sometimes, you crave the understated elegance of grey, a shade that whispers sophistication without screaming for attention. And that's where flowers come in, ready to sprinkle your world with smoky charm. So, what flower whispers "grey dye" in the Minecraft breeze? Well, brace yourself, because the answer might surprise you. There isn't one magical bloom that grants you instant greyscale. Instead, it's all about teamwork, a floral high-five of sorts.