How long to beat the last of us?

How long to beat the last of us

How long to beat the last of us?

The Last of Us is a survival horror game with a deep combat system. There are many different ways to play the game and approach situations, but in this guide, we’ll give you some tips on how long it takes to beat The Last of Us based on different styles. The article is brought to you by

The Last of Us is a survival horror game

How long to beat the last of us

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The Last of Us is a survival horror game that takes place in post-apocalyptic America. You play as Joel, a smuggler who has been tasked with escorting Ellie–a young girl infected with a virus that turns people into monsters–to the Fireflies, a rebel group that can help her live longer. Along the way, you’ll encounter various obstacles: hostile humans and creatures; other survivors who are willing to kill for supplies; and even other factions vying for control of certain areas.

As you progress through The Last of Us’ story mode (with its multiple endings), you’ll be able to upgrade your weapons and learn new skills from allies along the way. There’s also an option called “New Game Plus” where players can start over again on higher difficulty levels while keeping all their upgrades intact from previous playthroughs! Continue reading: How To Do Split Screen On Fortnite: A Step-By-Step Guide

There are many different ways to play the game

  • There are many different ways to play the game and approach situations. You can choose to be stealthy, aggressive or somewhere in between.
  • You can also decide whether you want to be a good guy or a bad guy when it comes down to it (though this is not always an option).
  • Finally, there’s no right answer as far as helping people goes; if you choose not to help them at all then so be it!

You can play offensively and attack enemies

You’ll want to use stealth whenever possible, as it’s the most efficient way of taking down enemies without alerting other nearby foes. The Last of Us has an excellent stealth system that allows you to sneak up on unsuspecting foes and quietly kill them with a knife or bow before they even know what’s happening. You can also use weapons like guns if necessary–but be careful: shooting will reveal your location! The same goes for throwing rocks; although this method does not reveal your position, it does make noise that may attract nearby enemies’ attention (and it doesn’t do much damage).

Different characters have different ways

As Ellie, you’ll want to use stealth as much as possible. You have the ability to sneak up on enemies and take them out silently, which is much more effective than trying to fight them head-on. In fact, it’s almost impossible for Ellie to win a straight-up fight against an enemy–she’s just too weak in combat compared with Joel. However, if you can get the jump on an unsuspecting enemy (or even several) with your bow and arrow or stealthy takedowns then they’re pretty much done for!

There is no checkpoint

There are no checkpoint saves in The Last of Us, so you need to be careful about how much ammo and supplies you use. You can save at any time, but it’s not recommended–you can only save once per chapter (or when you’re on a safe space).

The Last of Us has lots of things hidden

The Last of Us has lots of things hidden throughout its world, including bonus XP if you find them all. While playing through the story mode, you’ll come across a number of collectibles that can be found in each area. These include photos and newspapers from before the outbreak (plus some other goodies). You get bonus experience points for finding these items–and they’re not always easy to spot!


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