How Do You Make Deepslate Tile Stairs in Minecraft?

How Do You Make Deepslate Tile Stairs in Minecraft?

How Do You Make Deepslate Tile Stairs in Minecraft?

Ready to add some sleek, sophisticated stairs to your Minecraft builds? Deepslate tile stairs bring a touch of elegance and depth to any structure, blending seamlessly with darker themes and modern designs. Let’s dive into how to craft these stylish steps and unlock their potential in your Minecraft world!

Gathering the Essentials: Deepslate Tile Stairs in Minecraft

Deepslate Tile Stairs in Minecraft

  • Deepslate Tiles: These are the key ingredients for crafting the stairs. You’ll need 6 of them to create a single set.
  • Crafting Table: This is your trusty workstation for crafting various items, including the stairs.
  • Stonecutter (Optional): While not strictly necessary, a stonecutter can make the process more efficient, as it allows you to directly craft stairs from deepslate bricks or cobbled deepslate.

Crafting the Stairs

  1. Place the Crafting Table: Find a suitable spot and place your crafting table down.
  2. Interact with the Table: Right-click on the crafting table to access its crafting grid. It’s a 3×3 grid of squares where you’ll arrange the ingredients.
  3. Arrange the Deepslate Tiles: Position the 6 deepslate tiles in the crafting grid following this specific pattern:
  4. Top Row: Place 1 deepslate tile in the middle square.
  5. Middle Row: Place 1 deepslate tile in the first and third squares (leaving the middle empty).
  6. Bottom Row: Place 3 deepslate tiles across the entire row.
  1. Claim Your Stairs: Once you’ve arranged the tiles correctly, the deepslate tile stairs will appear in the output slot on the right side of the crafting grid. Simply click on them to add them to your inventory.

Pro Tip: If you have a stonecutter, you can save a few tiles! Just place deepslate bricks or cobbled deepslate in the stonecutter and you’ll get deepslate tile stairs directly, without the need for a crafting table.

Putting Your Stairs to Work

Putting Your Stairs to Work

Now that you have your stylish deepslate tile stairs, it’s time to unleash your creativity! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Build grand staircases leading up to your majestic castles or fortresses.
  • Create multi-level homes with elegant transitions between floors.
  • Add intricate details to your outdoor paths and gardens.
  • Construct captivating bridges that span across ravines or connect different areas of your world.
  • Incorporate them into modern builds for a sleek and sophisticated look.


Can I use a different type of stone to make deepslate tile stairs?

No, the recipe specifically requires deepslate tiles.

Where can I find deepslate in Minecraft?

Deepslate is found primarily in the lower layers of the world, near bedrock. Look for it in caves, ravines, and deep underground mines.

Can I use deepslate tile stairs for other purposes besides stairs?

Absolutely! They can be used as decorative blocks, roofing materials, or even as part of creative furniture designs.

Are deepslate tile stairs flammable?

No, they are non-flammable, making them a safe choice for building near lava or other fire hazards.

Can I use deepslate tile stairs with other types of blocks?

Yes, they blend well with a variety of block types, especially those with darker tones. Experiment with different combinations to create unique designs!


Deepslate tile stairs offer a versatile and visually appealing way to enhance your Minecraft builds. Whether you’re crafting grand staircases, adding intricate details, or constructing modern structures in Minecraft, discovering how to obtain a nether wart block can elevate your creations to new heights, unlocking a key ingredient for both aesthetic and practical building ventures in the game. So, gather your deepslate tiles, fire up that crafting table, and start adding some sophisticated steps to your Minecraft world!

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