How to Get a Metal Coat in Pokémon GO

Metal Coat in Pokémon GO

How to Get a Metal Coat in Pokémon GO

It’s a well-known fact that evolution items are the backbone of any Pokémon GO player’s arsenal. Evolution items are special items that can help you evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon GO. These special items are rare and hard to get, as they require specific conditions to be met.

In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about evolution items like metal coats in Pokémon GO. We’ll tell you what the requirements are, how to get one, and how many steps it has. But before getting into all that, we’ll tell you the basics of evolution in Pokémon GO.

Getting the Metal Coat in Pokémon GO

Metal Coat in Pokémon GO

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To get the metal coat in Pokémon go, you’ll first need to find a metal-type Pokémon. Once you have done that, battle it and win. After you have won the battle, the metal coat will be added to your inventory. This item can be used to protect yourself from inclement weather and is great for hiking and camping. Overall, the metal coat is a must-have item for those who love playing Pokémon GO on their smartphones.

Requirements for getting a metal coat in Pokémon GO

To get a metal coat in Pokémon go, you will first need to have at least level 15 in the game. You will need to find a metal coat in the game’s world and take it off of an NPC. Once you have taken the metal coat off an NPC, you can put it on and start hunting with it. You cannot keep the metal coat once you’ve captured a Pokémon with it. The metal coat will only work for a set amount of time after you capture the Pokémon with it.

To get your hands on a steel-toed boot in Pokémon go, you’ll also need to be Level 25 or above. If you’re looking to acquire a steel-toed boot, make sure to visit PokéStops or other areas with high concentrations of items on your map. You can also try scouring areas with many tall grass or shrubs for possible finds.

If you’re looking to add some steel-toed boots to your wardrobe, be sure to visit PokéStops or other areas with high concentrations of items on your map. You can also scour areas with many tall grass or shrubs for possible finds.

Tips for getting the metal coat in Pokémon GO

There are a few ways to obtain the metal coat in Pokémon GO. The first is to catch a Pokémon with the metal coat and then shake it to get the metal shard. Once you have the metal shard, use it on a nearby Pokéstop to obtain the metallic coat.

Another way to obtain the metal coat is by trading it with other players. You can complete special tasks in the game to earn it, such as catching Kabutops or Tyranitar or playing specific gyms or raids. You can also check the Pokémon GO app for more information about obtaining the metal coat.

Other evolution items

– You can obtain a metal coat by evolving Gyarados into Gyarados Mega Evolve. -You can also get a metal coat by transferring a Pokémon from another game to Pokémon GO. -You can also get a metal coat by participating in the Pokémon Safari event. -You can also get a metal coat by purchasing it from the in-game shop. -You can also get a metal coat by winning the Daily Pokémon challenge.

– Note that there are various evolution items available for different types of Pokémon, so you may find one that’s better for your particular Pokémon’s needs.

– The best way to find the evolution item that’s right for your particular Pokémon is to research on the internet and make use of any resources you have at hand, such as forums or social media posts. This will help you narrow down your search and find the item that’s perfect for your Pokémon’s evolution.


Metal-type Pokémon are strong against steel-type Pokémon in battle. Besides, a metal coat is an evolution item that boosts your defense and accuracy while lowering the opponent’s accuracy. If you evolve a steelix or golem with steel-type moves, it’s sure to evolve into a metalix. To evolve a golem into a metalix, ensure it evolves onix and evolves it onix. With this evolution item, your chances of evolving a metalix go up considerably.


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