How to move back faster in your browser

move back faster in your browser

How to move back faster in your browser

The browser is one of the most fundamental parts of any operating system. It’s what lets you browse the web, search for things and organize your bookmarks and favorite sites. While you can use a browser to move back and forth through pages or navigate between different windows, there are lots of other things you can do with this powerful tool. Here are some tips for getting around faster on your browser. This article is made by

There are lots of ways to move backward in your browser

move back faster in your browser

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There are lots of ways to move backward in your browser.

  • Use the browser shortcuts: Pressing Ctrl+[ or Command+[ on Mac will take you back one page. You can also press Ctrl+] or Command+] to move forward one page. If you want to go back 10 pages, hold down Ctrl/Command and press the left arrow key 10 times (or just use the shortcut).
  • Press backspace: This works on most browsers, but it’s not as convenient as using a keyboard shortcut because it requires clicking into an empty text box first before pressing backspace.
  • Use the navigation buttons: Navigating through links on web pages is easy–just click them! But what if there aren’t any links nearby? No problem; just click anywhere else on the page (not an image) until some navigation buttons appear at its edge; then click “Back” or “Forward” until you reach where you want to be again! You can also discover disk cleanup compress your os drive.

Press backspace

The first step to moving back in your browser is to press the backspace key. If you’re using a laptop or desktop, this will be located on the upper-left side of your keyboard (on Macs, it’s above the ‘delete’ key).

Press and hold down this button until all of your work disappears from view. Once all of your work has disappeared, release the backspace button and then immediately start typing again!

Use the navigation buttons

The navigation buttons are located on the left side of your address bar. You can move back by clicking the left arrow, and you can move forward by clicking the right arrow.

If you’re using Chrome or Firefox, there’s also an option to use their respective back buttons which are located in top left corners of your browser window.

Use the browser shortcuts

When you move back in your browser, there are a few ways to do it.

  • Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+[ or Cmd+[ on Macs
  • Use the mouse and click on the back button
  • Pressing either the left/right arrow keys on your keyboard (or just move your cursor with them). This can be helpful when using a touchpad because you won’t accidentally click something else while trying to go back in history

Press Ctrl+H

To move back to one page, press Ctrl+H. You can also use this shortcut to move back multiple pages at once. For example, if you’re on page 3 and want to go back 2 more pages (to page 1), press Ctrl+H twice: once for each time you want to go back.

This shortcut works in most browsers (including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer).


Pressing backspace is the fastest way to move back in your browser. If you want to use other methods, they can be helpful as well. For example, if you want to navigate backward without using your keyboard at all then use the navigation buttons or shortcuts may be better options for you.

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